Wednesday, August 18, 2010

German Flammkuchen

We happily accepted an invitation this weekend to overnight with old friends.
Mac golfed with Torsten and when they came home we got a lesson in how to make German Flammkuchen.
We especially wanted to learn how to make this speciality as we had purchased a Flammkuchen oven.

Torsten stacks the wood under the oven for later.

Flammkuchen was started in the Alsace region of France back in the 1800s.  Known as Tarte Flambee in the Alsace, they say it was a farmer's midday meal.  When the farmer's wife had finished with her bread baking, she'd take the last of the dough and press it flat. She'd top it with onions, cream and bacon and pop it in her hot bread oven. 

Torsten lit the fire and as the temperature heated up to 300 C,

he made the sauce for the flammkuchen. He used  two small sour cream containers, and added cream until the consistency was correct. He then added salt and pepper.

Typically, over here Germans can buy the very thin crust. We'll probably have to make our own dough when we move back to Maine.

Next you spread the sauce on the crust.

Top with red onion slices and lardons (I would use slab bacon in America and cut it into pieces myself)
but cubed prosciutto would work too.
 A sprinkle of cheese (any kind you want) and

now it's ready for the oven.

Torsten places it in the oven and takes it out after 1 minute.  He turns it and places it back in the oven for one more minute.

Voila!  Delicious Flammkuchen.

It doesn't last long!
Once we had our fill, it was on to the dessert Flammkuchen.

Here is one with the sour cream sauce and raspberries.

Here is another with sour cream sauce, apple, brown sugar and cinnamon. We have also had this variation with calvados poured over the top. You light it on fire at the table and the alcohol burns away.
Impressive for your guests.
We had a marvelous time learning how to make this treat.
We are thinking when we get back to Maine that a booth at the Celtic festival would be a great idea so you can try this too.

As with any good German party, no matter how small, there will be singing and there will be

Mac says, "Here's three thumbs up to good friends, good fun and really good Flammkuchen."

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